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Health Benefits of Tai Chi by Harvard Health Publishing
Book before the workshop reaches its capacity!
Tai Chi Workshop with Master of 43-Year Experience
Regardless of your availability to make it to the particular event listed below, subscribe to stay updated with future holistic health events and news! Note this is different from booking the Tai Chi workshop below.
If you (and your family, and friends) are interested in:
achieving optimal well-being,
healing or preventing health issues,
learning internal martial arts,
or simply wanting to have recreational exercise with like-minded people,
this is for you!
We are so fortunate to have persuaded a founder's former TaiChi instructor, a TaiChi master with more than 40 years of teaching experience, into opening a TaiChi class to people outside of his regular students. It would be a healthy and fulfilling way to celebrate Chinese New Year and beyond!
Our first workshop will be held on Saturday, February 9, 2019, in Crissy Field, part of the scenery Presidio of San Francisco (see backup plan in case of rain). Registration starts at 3 pm and class starts at 3:30 pm. Please arrive on time to register and warm up.
Backup Plan:
In case of force majeure (such as severe weather or access issues) at the time of the event, we will change the location to indoors and notify registered participants accordingly.
3:00 pm Registration starts and class starts
3:30-4:30 pm Tai Chi workshop
4:30-5:00 pm Optional Tai Chi Fan or Sword demo
5:00 pm Leave or Stay for networking as you like
All experience levels are welcome.
Check the Facebook event page for social updates. To ensure quality and space during the workshop, we have a very limited capacity and tickets are limited.
According to TakeLessons <https://takelessons.com/sports-and-fitness/tai-chi-chuan-lessons>, "the average cost of 60-minute tai chi chuan lessons is $82. While the exact cost will vary depending on the teacher, type of lesson, and your location, you should expect to spend anywhere between $50 and $125 per hour". And most instructors there do not have the rich experience as our master does!
Nothing more important than your health
ID required at the time of registration (if paid $35, get $10 refund)
If and only if this works well for both participants and the TaiChi master, we could consider continue organizing other events in the Holistic Health series.
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